We’re excited to welcome new guest authors to contribute high-quality guest posts to Itthemovie.com.

If you’re interested in writing for us, please follow these guidelines:

Guest Post

Content Idea: Before writing the actual article, pitch your content ideas to us.

Original Article: We only publish articles that haven’t been previously published anywhere else, including your own website.

Content Quality: Ensure your content is of high quality, free from spelling and grammatical errors. If you’re short on time for writing, we can assist you for a fee.

Topics We Cover: Our website’s menu bar reflects the categories we accept content for.

Recommended Article Length: Aim for articles between 1000 to 2500 words.

Formatting: Structure your writing with headings, subheadings, and numbered lists or bullets. Provide clear takeaways or learning points for readers.

Unique Angle: Your post should offer original insights not found in articles already posted on Itthemovie.com.

Images/Videos: We encourage you to include relevant images/videos with proper permissions and source citations. Ensure they are of high quality.

Short Paragraphs: Keep paragraphs concise, consisting of no more than 3-4 sentences each.

Article Edits: We may edit the submitted content for clarity and correctness.

What We Don’t Want: Avoid sending press releases, sales pitches, fake product reviews, advertorials, etc.

By submitting an article, you grant us the right to use and amend it on our website. You won’t be eligible for payment or copyright claims.

Once published on our website, the article becomes our property. Republishing elsewhere requires our written approval.

How To Submit: For inquiries or guest post submissions, email us at [email protected]. We select and publish high-quality articles, and we’ve turned down numerous low-quality submissions.

Sponsor Post, Partnership & Advertise

Sponsored Blog Posts & Advertising Options: If you’re interested in advertising, such as banner ads, sponsored articles, or other collaborations, reach out to us at [email protected] for opportunities.

Sponsor Link

Feel free to explore my blog to discover suitable anchor text for incorporating specific URLs of your choice. Individuals who contribute a donation of $$ or more are eligible to select their preferred anchor text. This makes it effortless for you to reference and link back to relevant content from within this blog. Reach out to us at [email protected] for opportunities.